Join the Association for Biomolecular Resource Facilities

See How Members Feel About the ABRF Network:
"We work in a university core laboratory. ABRF is uniquely focused on our type of organization."
"ABRF provides a wealth of information for directors and technicians in core facilities."
"We do not get trained to be core managers. ABRF lets us learn from our peers."
Read More About ABRF Member Benefits:


- Attending technology and administration focused workshops
- Participating in Research Groups that conduct and publish the relevant studies to improving technology and/or it's application
- Engaging in the ABRF Mentoring Program as a mentor, mentee or both

ABRF members work closely with corporate partners who develop new technology and instrumentation to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of Core Facilities. These Corporate Partners seek out ABRF members to identify their needs and the challenges they face to inform the development of future products and services. Make and develop these valuable connections through several mechanisms, including exhibit booths and corporate parter talks, at the ABRF Annual Meeting and regional chapter meetings.

Stay informed and have an active voice in affecting science policy: ABRF is a member society of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB), and members play an important role in science advocacy and funding policies. Although mostly relevant to our American members, issues such as these affect the entire research enterprise and are particularly germane to the ABRF membership.
FASEB Reports on Shared Research Resources

- Develop leadership skilling in a supportive community by being a chairperson, leading a workshop, serving on a Chapter Organizing Committee or the ABRF Executive Board.
- Find and fill a position on the ABRF Job Board
- Promote diversity, equity and inclusion in biomolecular sciences
- Member Discounts
- Member Directory
Institutional and Group Memberships:
Institutional Membership Pricing Varies
Offer the benefits of ABRF membership to all of your Core personnel. A current member can log in and select this new option, with other contacts included under an Institutional Membership. Click here for an overview of ABRF Institutional Membership.
- Up to 15 Core Facilities - $3,300
- 16-25 Core Facilities - $4,400
- 26-50 Core Facilities - $5,500
- 51-75 Core Facilities - $7,000
- 76-100 Core Facilities - $8,800
- More than 100 Core Facilities $12,000
Group Membership Pricing Varies
For those institutions that may not have centralized resources for all core facilities, ABRF offers preferred membership rates for groups, enabling additional core facility personnel to be a part of the ABRF community and leverage the wide range of networking and professional development benefits. A current member can log in and select this new option, with other contacts included within the Group membership, with annual dues for each Group member contact as low as $50.00. Click here for an overview of ABRF Group Membership.
- Small Group (2-10) - $100 per member
- Large Group (11-19) - $60 per member
Individual Memberships:
Full Member $150
For individuals working in a biomolecular resource/core facility or research laboratory, including administration and management of such facilities.
Student Member $35
For full or part-time undergraduate, graduate or medical students.
Emeritus Member $35
For individuals who were ABRF members for at least 5 years and NO LONGER work in a core facility, research group focused on biotechnology or the centralized administration of such groups.