Membership Committee

The Membership Committee provides metrics on the membership, develops and implements programs for member recruitment and retention, and provides membership outreach and support in conjunction with the ABRF Executive Board, the Executive Director and the ABRF Membership Staff.


ABRF Peer Mentoring Conversations

Join your ABRF colleagues to discuss shared questions, common challenges, or issues that you’re facing in your career or professional journey.  The monthly ABRF Peer Mentoring conversations are scheduled for:

Third Tuesdays of the Month
2:00 – 3:00 pm ET
Register here.

Held monthly, these peer-to-peer mentoring discussions will be an opportunity to learn from one another and to identify new ideas or approaches to situations you may face within your roles.

Similar to an informal mentoring program, these small-group conversations are an opportunity to leverage the diverse experiences and abilities within the ABRF Community.

Possible topics for peer conversations include:

-          Professional development options
-          Core facility career paths
-          Balancing cost recovery with the need to be cutting edge
-          Authorship and tracking publications
-          Training

The specific number and  topics discussed during the Peer Mentoring Conversations will be determined by the participants. Everyone will have the opportunity to move among topics based on their interests and the value they receive from the discussions. 

Register today and include any suggested topics you’d like to discuss with your ABRF peers.  Capacity for this pilot Peer Mentoring Conversation session will be limited, so sign up today to save your seat.

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or suggestions.  We look forward to seeing you.

ABRF Member Resources & Testimonials 

New Member Orientation an overview of the resources available through ABRF

COMPASS - a year-long series to introduce the features of ABRF membership to new members

Membership Matters - updates for continuing ABRF members

Member Get a Member Program.  Help educate your colleagues and encourage them to join the ABRF - and receive something back in return!

Questions or interest in joining an ABRF committee? Contact us

Current Membership

Sara Bowen (Executive Board liaison) - Barrow Neurological Institute
Kym Delventhal - HHMI/Janelia
Kevin Knudtson - University of Iowa
Claudia Lalancette (CAB liaison) - University of Michigan
Luciano Martelotto - University of Adelaide, Australia
Anoja Perera (Chair)  - Stowers Institute for Medical Research
Verna Simon - Mayo Clinic
Thayumanasamy Somasundaram - Florida State University
Sean Vargas - University of Texas at San Antonio
Ioannis Vlachos - Harvard University
Frances Weis-Garcia - Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

Membership History

Member NameOrganizationDetails
Stephen A Bobin Norris Cotton Cancer Center, Dartmouth Medical School  Chair: 02/08 - 02/09
Member: 02/09 - 02/11
Member: 06/06 - 02/08
Dr Sridar V Chittur SUNY Albany  Member: 02/09 - 03/12
Dr Michelle L. Cilia USDA-ARS  Member: 03/11 - 03/13
Seth Crosby WUStL Member: 04/18 -
David Darr UNC Lineberger Cancer Center Member: 04/18 -
Michelle M Detwiler Roswell Park Cancer Institute  Member: 08/11 - 03/12
EB liaison: 09/08 - 02/09
Lowell H Ericsson AAA Laboratory  Member: 01/00 - 01/01
Rebecca P. Ettling Medical Univ. of S. Carolina  Member: 07/02 - 09/03
Dr Audree V. Fowler UCLA  Member: 01/00 - 01/01
Dr. David B. Friedman ABRF  Member: 02/09 - 05/10
Ad hoc: 10/13 - 03/14
EB Liaison: 05/10 - 08/11
George S. Grills Cornell University  Member: 06/06 - 02/11
EB Liaison: 03/13 - 04/14
Ms. Rebecca A. Halpin J. Craig Venter Institute  Member: 11/03 - 02/06
Dr William G Hendrickson Univ. of Illinois, Chicago  Member: 04/12 - 01/14
Dr. Leslie M. Hicks Donald Danforth Plant Science Center  Chair: 02/11 - 03/12
Member: 03/12 - 03/13
Member: 02/09 - 02/11
Peter Hunziker University of Zurich  Member: 01/00 - 01/01
Hana Konecna Masaryk University, Czech Republic  Member: 07/02 - 02/08
Dr. Elke Kuster-Schock McGill University, CIAN  Chair: 03/12 - 10/13
Member: 03/10 - 03/12
Ad hoc: 05/15 - 
Mr Douglas J. Lamont University of Dundee  Member: 02/11 - 12/13
Dr Marc M Lemaitre Glen Research  Member: 01/00 - 01/01
Dr Kathryn S Lilley University of Cambridge  Member: 02/08 - 01/10
EB Liaison: 03/05 - 02/08
Tom McHugh University of Maryland School of Medicine Member: 07/18 - 
Dr. Ken I Mitchelhill Peter MacCallum Cancer Institute  Member: 01/00 - 01/01
Claudius Mundoma Florida State University

Member: 04/14 - 06/15
Co-Chair: 06/15 - 04/18
EB Liaison: 04/18 - 03/22

Dr. Ronald L. Niece Research Resources & Technologies  Chair: 02/09 - 03/10
Chair: 04/02 - 12/04
Member: 12/04 - 02/09
Member: 03/10 - 10/13
Member:  04/19 - 05/23
Interim Chair: 10/13 - 04/14
Dr. Brett S Phinney Proteomics Core UC Davis Genome Center  EB Liaison: 09/11 - 03/13
Margaret Robertson   Member: 07/02 - 01/03
Member: 10/13 - 01/14
Dr. Kathleen M Schegg Univ of Nevada, Reno  Chair: 12/04 - 02/06
Member: 11/03 - 12/04
Member: 02/06 - 02/09
Peter A. Schweitzer Cornell University  Chair: 02/06 - 05/07
Member: 05/07 - 05/10
Member: 11/03 - 02/06
Jack Simpson US Pharmacopeia  EB Liaison: 02/09 - 04/10
Aaron Sin Sigma-Aldrich Corp  Member: 05/12 - 09/14
Thayumanasamy Somasundaram Florida State University Member:  04/19 - 05/23
Dr. Daniel J Strydom Nebraska Wesleyan University  Member: 01/00 - 01/01
Dr Derrick J Swinton Lincoln University  Member: 03/10 - 03/13
Theodore W Thannhauser USDA/Agricultural Research Service  Chair: 03/10 - 02/11
Member: 03/05 - 02/06
Ad hoc: 02/06 - 03/10
EB Liaison: 04/02 - 03/05
Dr. Satya P. Yadav Cleveland Clinic Fndn Res Inst  Member: 01/00 - 01/01