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About the Core Marketplace
The CoreMarketplace (CM) is a searchable list of active core facilities. A Core, broadly defined, is a facility that performs scientific research. Research cores are often (but not always) part of a higher education institution.
The purpose of the CM is to provide this directory of research facilities to the scientific community. It also furthers research by highlighting citable resources within a listing for scientific publication.
The Research Resource Identification (RRID) Initiative seeks to identify all of the different parts to research and label each one with a unique, citable identifier. This RRID, when published, links directly back to the research component cited making it easier to identify and replicate research findings.
In the partnership with the RRID Initiative, each core research facility can get its own RRID tag that can link a publication citation back to its CoreMarketplace listing. This makes it easier for your facility to get the credit you require to stay compliant with federal grants.
What do you need to get an RRID for your facility? We ask for three things:
A unique name. Choose a name for your core listing that applies specifically to your facility. Pre-pending the name or the initials of your institution to your facility is a good idea. "Genomics Core" is too generic a name. "UVM-Genomics Core" is much more specific.
An institution. Make sure your institution is selected in your listing. For those facilities that aren't part of an educational institution, choose "Private Company."
A current webpage. Make sure the URL to your facility webpage is current. We have seen a lot of old links that lead to error pages because web pages moved or were merged into organization. We need to see that the URL leads to a page that represents your facility.
When your facility page is updated, the data is sent over to the RRID database on your behalf. RRID tags are usually assigned within a couple of days and will automatically be added to your listing.
When your listing has an RRID assigned, you will see something like this added to your page.
The RRID itself is cross-linked to the RRID Resource site (link below). The Cite This link creates a pop-up field containing the full citable link to your facility. It can easily be copied and pasted into a publication.
(We also have a field for grant numbers that perform a similar function. You can find this in your Edit page.)
You can learn more about the RRID initiative here
The Universal Scientific Equipment Discovery Tool (USEDit) is a universal database of scientific equipment. Each instrument entry contains a wealth of information about the product, its capabilities, and its own RRID. This makes the instrument itself citable in research publication. We partnered with USEDit to bring that into the CoreMarketplace.
More on USEDit here
When you select equipment used in your facility, you draw from the USEDit database pulling all of their information into your facility listing. The citable instrument RRID is coupled with your facility RRID, so when the publication author copies the instrument RRID from your listing, they cite your facility at the same time.
Here's a primer on including equipment in your facility listing
MORE FEATURESWe have included a number a new features into the CoreMarketplace. Here's two:
Locating Core Facilities can be difficult. We provide a central repository to allow researchers and Core Facilities to more easily find each other. Researchers can quickly locate facilities that provide the services they need. Core Facilities can locate other such facilities to collaborate with and gain more users. This may help achieve sustainability. Benefits:
The Vermont Genetics Network, in partnership with ABRF, established the Core Marketplace database to track and explore research services and technologies that are regionally accessible. This will allow researchers to find established facilities and avoid duplicating resources that are not cost effective at their own site. |