ABRF Affinity Groups


An Affinity Group is a space where people who share a particular identity can gather to feel less isolated and create a community, safe from pressure to conform their expression of that identity to the expectations of the dominant culture. Example identities that might draw a group together at ABRF are race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, cognitive/social-emotional/physical ability, or academic credentials.

Mission of Affinity Groups in ABRF

To provide a brave space and supportive community for members of a given identity group to share experiences and develop strategies aimed at fostering a culture of equity and inclusion in ABRF specifically and in STEM professions generally. 

Purpose of ABRF Affinity Groups 

  • Reinforce and strengthen cultural identity
  • Strengthen sense of agency
  • Develop strategies for engaging in social justice activism
  • Arrange professional development workshops in areas specific to ABRF

 How to form an ABRF Affinity Group 

Any group of at least five ABRF members wishing to form an ABRF supported Affinity Group may send an application to the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Council. Officially recognized Affinity Groups that have completed the application process and been awarded Executive Board recognition will be eligible for organizational support.

Contact the DEI Council to learn more.   

ABRF Affinity Groups Requirements